“Happiness and joy is our right as human beings” Tonia MIllson

I would like to start by thanking you for joining my website.

You felt motivated to reach my website maybe out of curiosity or maybe because you would like to bring about some kind of change in your life.

Now more than ever we are all evaluating our lives in some way; questions like:

Am I living my best life?

Do I feel happy and joyful?

Do I wake up every morning feeling the passion for life?

Do I have the kind of relationships in my life which raise my mood and my energy or do they leave me drained?

How am I blocking myself from realising my dreams and being the best version of myself?


A myriad of questions arise, each question being unique and individual to each one of us.


I believe that it is our human nature to seek happiness, joy, peace and harmony and to feel we have the ability to unlock our full potential. For each one of us this will mean something different. Learning to love ourselves and our uniqueness is a life lesson we all face at different times in our lives – bringing about emotional and mental harmony and freedom.

Maybe you are living your life based on other people’s expectations, maybe you feel unable to fully express your authentic self, maybe you attract the same kind of unhealthy dynamics in relationships, maybe you have limiting self-beliefs, maybe you have patterns of behaviour which you know don’t serve you but you don’t know how to change them.

Anxiety, fear, depression, insecurity, lack of self-confidence, these are all labels that we as a society have been conditioned to describe emotions which cause us discomfort and block us from feeling the personal freedom to be ourselves.

Each one of us walks our own path, carrying with us our own subconscious conditioning, our own programming we have developed over the years which means that we end up creating our future based on the past and we just keep repeating old patterns of behaviour and self-talk.

You may feel shame in discussing or revealing to anyone about your inner insecurities, anxiety, fears. Please know that all of us go through these uncomfortable emotions, but people don’t like to talk about them, because it makes them feel vulnerable, or because they feel that others will judge them and label them as weak. In my view, facing our fears head on and deciding to do something about it demonstrates bravery and strength – the prize at the end is our personal freedom and empowerment.  


You don’t have to take this journey on your own. I will walk closely with you, at your pace; that is my promise to you.

Having walked the corporate path in tandem with my Psychotherapist practice, I have concluded that, whether you wish to hone in on your leadership skills at work, or you would like to receive some career coaching or mentorship, the two worlds are interrelated and integrated – there is no polarity between our personal and professional lives. Our authentic selves crave to be who we are, to be in our own power, whether we are interacting with our colleagues at work or our family, friends and the wider community.


I believe in getting to the root cause of what is blocking us, what is causing our discomfort, rather than just addressing the symptoms. This means that we can build our own personal resilience to help us deal with life’s challenges.


Self- discovery and self -enquiry are the first steps to achieving our personal freedom and empowerment.


Whether our partnership is short or longer term is something that you and I would explore together and you decide on. Whatever you decide is your next step after reading these words, I thank you for being here and I wish you every happiness with your onward journey.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +4479 8511 2292

Suite 309, 204 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 3JY.